Community Center Details
Beaverton Lions Community Center
Rental Help Sheet
1. Technology
New upgrades to the facility include the following: new 40″ Smart TV behind the bar and 72″ Smart TV where the projector used to be. Both of which can be used for screen cast/streaming. We now have a secure Wi-Fi network as well. Joining the Wi-Fi is as easy as scanning one of the QR codes throughout the building. The 72″ big screen automatically plays sound through the integrated speakers in the ceiling. Volume control is on the wall by the storage room.
2. Tables and Chairs
We have twenty (20) round 60″ tables, four (4) 8′ rectangular tables, two (2) 6′ rectangular tables and one-hundred fifty 150 stackable chairs. Maximum seating is 150. You may use as many as you wish, but please return them to the storeroom after use. Please leave up only the tables and chairs according to the diagram on the door to the kitchen (for the senior citizens during the week) when you are ready to leave. Use the carts for the round tables and please do not roll or slide the tables across the floor.
3. Kitchen
You may use the refrigerator in the kitchen (the one closest to the door). You may use the counters and sinks, of course, but you may not use the kitchen center to cook or prepare food without meeting one of the following conditions: 1: Secure a temporary food preparation license at your expense by contacting the Central Michigan District Health Department in Gladwin (989.426.9431) or 2: Hire a licensed caterer. You may use the stove to heat up prepared food on top of the stove and in the oven.
Our kitchen is rented regularly by Happiness is homemade catering group. They have several lock cabinets a fridge and freezer that are locked for their use only. They know the rental schedule and won’t interfere with any of our other valued rentals.
4. Cleaning
A $100 cleaning and security deposit is required with the signing of the license agreement. Licensees shall leave the premises in clean condition with tables and chairs properly stored or arranged as when received by licensors. Please see the chart on the kitchen door as how the room should be left. All trash shall be properly disposed of or placed in sealed plastic bags and removed to the dumpster outside of the building. If the premises are properly cleaned and not damaged, the entire cleaning deposit will be returned. All cleaning materials are in the room behind the bar area as well as additional garbage bags, toilet paper, paper hand towels and soap etc.
5. Smoking
There is no smoking anywhere in the building.
6. Heating and Cooling (Air)
The thermostat is programmed for the entire week so please do not re-program. You can, of course, use the arrows up or down to adjust the temperature for the time you are there. When you leave please return the temperature to where it was when you entered. New central air was installed in the spring of 2023!
7. Keys
The keys are not to be given to anyone other than the person renting the building > be sure to lock all doors when you leave and return the keys as soon as possible to the Schumacher Insurance Agency thru slot in door.
8. Leaving
Please check all bathrooms and be sure the toilets are flushed and the water is off. Please turn off the lights including those in the bathrooms and make sure the exterior doors are locked.
Community Center
Reservation Contract
The Beaverton Lions Club, the Licensor, grants a license to the above named party for the use of its facility according to the following terms:
Licensor’s Property.
The Licensor owns a facility in the city of Beaverton, Michigan. Leased to the public for various purposes.
The Licensees desire to use the facility according to the terms contained in this License Agreement.
Grant of the License.
The Licensor offers the facility to the Licensees for the times and purposes listed above.
Security of the premises for the above event and times shall be the responsibility of the Licensees.
Licensees shall be responsible for obtaining liability and contents insurance if needed for their activity and personal property. Licensees shall be responsible for any damage or injury to person or property caused by their negligence. All personal property brought onto the premises by the Licensees shall be at the risk of the Licensees.
Alcohol Policy.
Under no circumstances will alcohol be provided to minors or persons who are visibly impaired. Licensees shall be solely and strictly responsible for compliance with this policy.
Cleaning after Use.
A $100 cleaning and security deposit is required with the signing of this License agreement. Licensees shall leave the premises in clean condition with tables and chairs properly stored or arranged as when received by the Licensees. All trash shall be properly disposed of or placed in sealed plastic bags and removed to the dumpster. If the premises are properly cleaned and not damaged, the deposit will be returned to the Licensees after the building is checked the day after the rental.
The kitchen in the Community center may not be used to cook or prepare food without meeting one of the following conditions: 1. Secure a temporary food preparation license at your expense by contacting the Central Michigan District Health Department in Gladwin 989.426.9431 or 2. Hire a licensed caterer.
Emergency Contacts:
John Andrist: 989.424.1728
Ryan Roberts: 810.516.5076
Mike Brown: 989.942.7684
Garry Clark: 989.529.1105
Community Center Details
Beaverton Lions Community Center Rental Help Sheet
1. Technology
New upgrades to the facility include the following: new 40″ Smart TV behind the bar and 72″ Smart TV where the projector used to be. Both of which can be used for screen cast/streaming. We now have a secure Wi-Fi network as well. Joining the Wi-Fi is as easy as scanning one of the QR codes throughout the building. The 72″ big screen automatically plays sound through the integrated speakers in the ceiling. Volume control is on the wall by the storage room.
2. Tables and Chairs
We have twenty (20) round 60″ tables, four (4) 8′ rectangular tables, two (2) 6′ rectangular tables and one-hundred fifty 150 stackable chairs. Maximum seating is 150. You may use as many as you wish, but please return them to the storeroom after use. Please leave up only the tables and chairs according to the diagram on the door to the kitchen (for the senior citizens during the week) when you are ready to leave. Use the carts for the round tables and please do not roll or slide the tables across the floor.
3. Kitchen
You may use the refrigerator in the kitchen (the one closest to the door). You may use the counters and sinks, of course, but you may not use the kitchen center to cook or prepare food without meeting one of the following conditions: 1: Secure a temporary food preparation license at your expense by contacting the Central Michigan District Health Department in Gladwin (989.426.9431) or 2: Hire a licensed caterer. You may use the stove to heat up prepared food on top of the stove and in the oven.
Our kitchen is rented regularly by Happiness is homemade catering group. They have several lock cabinets a fridge and freezer that are locked for their use only. They know the rental schedule and won’t interfere with any of our other valued rentals.
4. Cleaning
A $100 cleaning and security deposit is required with the signing of the license agreement. Licensees shall leave the premises in clean condition with tables and chairs properly stored or arranged as when received by licensors. Please see the chart on the kitchen door as how the room should be left. All trash shall be properly disposed of or placed in sealed plastic bags and removed to the dumpster outside of the building. If the premises are properly cleaned and not damaged, the entire cleaning deposit will be returned. All cleaning materials are in the room behind the bar area as well as additional garbage bags, toilet paper, paper hand towels and soap etc.
5. Smoking
There is no smoking anywhere in the building.
6. Heating and Cooling (Air)
The thermostat is programmed for the entire week so please do not re-program. You can, of course, use the arrows up or down to adjust the temperature for the time you are there. When you leave please return the temperature to where it was when you entered. New central air was installed in the spring of 2023!
7. Keys
The keys are not to be given to anyone other than the person renting the building > be sure to lock all doors when you leave and return the keys as soon as possible to the Schumacher Insurance Agency thru slot in door.
8. Leaving
Please check all bathrooms and be sure the toilets are flushed and the water is off. Please turn off the lights including those in the bathrooms and make sure the exterior doors are locked.
Community Center Reservation Contract
The Beaverton Lions Club, the Licensor, grants a license to the above named party for the use of its facility according to the following terms:
Licensor’s Property.
The Licensor owns a facility in the city of Beaverton, Michigan. Leased to the public for various purposes.
The Licensees desire to use the facility according to the terms contained in this License Agreement.
Grant of the License.
The Licensor offers the facility to the Licensees for the times and purposes listed above.
Security of the premises for the above event and times shall be the responsibility of the Licensees.
Licensees shall be responsible for obtaining liability and contents insurance if needed for their activity and personal property. Licensees shall be responsible for any damage or injury to person or property caused by their negligence. All personal property brought onto the premises by the Licensees shall be at the risk of the Licensees.
Alcohol Policy.
Under no circumstances will alcohol be provided to minors or persons who are visibly impaired. Licensees shall be solely and strictly responsible for compliance with this policy.
Cleaning after Use.
A $100 cleaning and security deposit is required with the signing of this License agreement. Licensees shall leave the premises in clean condition with tables and chairs properly stored or arranged as when received by the Licensees. All trash shall be properly disposed of or placed in sealed plastic bags and removed to the dumpster. If the premises are properly cleaned and not damaged, the deposit will be returned to the Licensees after the building is checked the day after the rental.
The kitchen in the Community center may not be used to cook or prepare food without meeting one of the following conditions: 1. Secure a temporary food preparation license at your expense by contacting the Central Michigan District Health Department in Gladwin 989.426.9431 or 2. Hire a licensed caterer.
Emergency Contacts:
John Andrist: 989.424.1728
Ryan Roberts: 810.516.5076
Mike Brown: 989.942.7684
Garry Clark: 989.529.1105

About Us
The Beaverton Lions Club was organized in 1944. As a part of Lions International, we are a service organization that has eye care as its principal charitable work. For years the Beaverton Lions have provided eye exams and eyeglasses to Gladwin County residents. We support other Lions’ state and national eye care projects and run our local Project Kid Sight, where we take pictures of young children’s eyes and have them analyzed for potential eye problems.
With over 50 members, the Lions Club is Beaverton’s only service club organization. All our fundraising and charitable projects are focused only on Gladwin County residents and our local community. In addition to our eye care projects, we award scholarships to local students, have an Adopt-a-Family for Christmas program, assist residents with hearing aids, build community park enhancements and sponsor the local Boy Scout troop and the Leo Club at Beaverton High.
If you would like information about the club, please visit https://www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/beavertonmi/index.php.

Beaverton Lions Community Center
Address / Location:
142 Saginaw Street
Beaverton, MI 48612
Connect With Us:
Follow Us on Facebook: facebook.com/beavertonmilions